Sunday, July 17, 2005


Not many people know this, but pineapples are among the most evil creatures on planet Earth (and I'm sure that there are intergalactic pineapples that are just as evil). The only other creature as evil as pineapples are cats, but I'm not going to talk about them right now. You can tell pineapples are evil by the way they look, I mean, would a nice, kind, gentle creature be so hard and prickily? No! And the motive that pineapples have for being so evil is beause of the way they look. Pineapples hate the forces of Creation for making them look like this, and they hate everything else for looking better than them. So that is wy the banannas and chickens have joined forces to stop these evil pineapples of DOOM.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Da Introduktion

Hello I am here to discuss with you various items that people NEED to notice. For example, pineapplez=THE EVIL FRUIT OF DOOM, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!!! and the total and utter EVIL(!!!!!!!!!!) of catz, but for now, all I will say iz PURPLE CHIKENZ ROCK!!!!!!!!!!