Saturday, December 24, 2005

It is of being time for the bells to be of jingleing, thank you!

So answer this christmas quiz!

  1. A mushroom has 12 legs. How does it fall down in a forest?
  2. How's the weather down there?
  3. Do you even know where that's been!?
  4. Why, in the name of several deities, do you have a rubber potato in your mouth?
  5. Sally the coconut has 13 farms. How many legs does Fred the Yodeling Walnut have?
  6. How do you propose to fix that leaky tunnel?
  7. Why did you just stab yourself in the hand with a bendy straw?
  8. Since when did lice attract weasels?
Merry Christmas everyone!

Monday, December 12, 2005

A slightly lighter shade of red

Why can't everyone just be happy with each other so we can pool our resources and get our collective butts into space and colonise and stuff?

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Genetic Mutation: Wrong but fun

Just wanted to let everyone know where I stand on this. ;)

Monday, December 05, 2005

Philosophy +

I went to the very edge of sanity. Then I tripped.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

I am of having a new blog!

I am of having a new blog! It is going to be where I will be putting some stories that have been sitting in my hard drive for about a year or so. Hope you like it!

Monday, October 31, 2005

hALLOWEEN! WEEEEoooooEEEoooEEEooo etc.

It is of being halloween! Time for a halloween history lesson! Halloween was originally all hallows eve which was belived to be when the barriers between the mortal plane and the underworld were at their thinnest. The candy thing may have come about because a group of evil dentists who were not making much money decided to use a holiday (which comes from the words holy and day) as a means to distribute candy so all the children would come back two weeks later with cavities needing filling. I've got to run now. Hordes of zombies and/or evil dentists dont defeat themselves, you know.

Sunday, October 16, 2005


I lurvery cocynutz! I'm going to sing the coconut song!

Ooh, I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts
and I can't remember why...

Honestly! I cant remember! Please help!

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Burny McBurnhead (with sheep!) pt.3 Wool is baaaaad.

I have found out what the demons are doing in the sheep's wool! They are putting itching powder in it! Do not get anything made of wool! It will itch you! So there you have it the mystery of sheep REVEALED! Im off to do stuff.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Burny McBurnhead (with sheep!) part2: Sheep and demons

In my last post I posed the question "what do sheep have under their wool?" I have had many suggestions from people, but based on my own observations, I believe that sheep are hiding... DEMONS! Yes! Evil cereal box zombie demons that cling to the sheep under their wool so they can infiltrate cereal boxes around the globe! One in every box until... POOF! They all attack at once!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Burny McBurnhead (with sheep!)

Noooo! I could I have missed it! Of course sheep are evil! They have the most evil laugh OF ALL TIME! They just sit in the field laughing evilly to themselves because thir evil plans are working! They just sit there going "Bwaaaa" "Bwaaa" "Bwaaa" evilly! And what's with all the wool!? WHAT ARE THEY HIDING? While I ponder upon this sheep mystery I will... I will... erm... burn things?
That works!

Saturday, September 10, 2005


When life gives you lemons, throw them at someone.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

WARNING! Mental Systems degrading!

Bwahahahahahaha! I like to test my evil laugh! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Fear the Demons

OK, just wanted everyone to know this. If evil Demons from HADES invade, everyone has four choices to make. You could: fear the Demons (most widely accepted choice), shoot the Demons (only if you have a gun), kill the Demons (well, you could at least try...) or, you could PROD THE DEMONS!!!!!!!!!!! (because prodding is fun!) What would YOU choose?

Sunday, July 17, 2005


Not many people know this, but pineapples are among the most evil creatures on planet Earth (and I'm sure that there are intergalactic pineapples that are just as evil). The only other creature as evil as pineapples are cats, but I'm not going to talk about them right now. You can tell pineapples are evil by the way they look, I mean, would a nice, kind, gentle creature be so hard and prickily? No! And the motive that pineapples have for being so evil is beause of the way they look. Pineapples hate the forces of Creation for making them look like this, and they hate everything else for looking better than them. So that is wy the banannas and chickens have joined forces to stop these evil pineapples of DOOM.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Da Introduktion

Hello I am here to discuss with you various items that people NEED to notice. For example, pineapplez=THE EVIL FRUIT OF DOOM, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!!! and the total and utter EVIL(!!!!!!!!!!) of catz, but for now, all I will say iz PURPLE CHIKENZ ROCK!!!!!!!!!!